Hindmarsh Square

Hindmarsh Sq.jpg

English name:  Hindmarsh Square.
Sir John Hindmarsh (1785-1860) was the first Governor of South Australia.

Kaurna name:  Mukata
One of the four wives of Mullawirrapurka (a Kaurna Elder at the time of European settlement)

Features:  Public art, i.e. the Hindmarsh Square Playspace (2007) pictured above, flower beds, and a Bunya Bunya Pine (with a very noticeable lean) that is the tallest tree in the Adelaide CBD.

Bisected into four quadrants by:   Pulteney Street and Grenfell Street

Hindmarsh Squre / Mukata

Hindmarsh Squre / Mukata

Hindmarsh Squre / Mukata

Hindmarsh Squre / Mukata