'Take Action" #9 - "Write"
Mere "clicktivism" is OK as far as it goes, but it's not enough, on its own, to achieve Park Lands protection. It's even better to have you, our supporter, putting well-chosen arguments, facts and figures before the City Council, the State Government or the wider public.
APA always welcomes supporters writing:
letters to newspapers e.g. InDaily, Adelaide Now/The Advertiser, the City Messenger
letters to Ministers who are contemplating developments on Park Lands (see our 'current issues' page for suggestions)
posts on any public web page, especially in response to others' ill-informed misconceptions about the Park Lands;
submissions on any Park Lands issues where the State Government or the Adelaide City Council is seeking public feedback.
If you're stuck for words, you'll find the material on our Fictions and Facts page is a great resource for rebutting Park Lands misconceptions, or providing context.