Adelaide Park Lands Association

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Which candidate will best support Open Green Public?

The City of Adelaide is holding a supplementary election to fill one vacancy on the Council – an “Area Councillor.” Area Councillors represent the entire city, rather than one ward.

There are seven candidates for this single vacancy. Ballot papers are being (or have been) mailed to voters in the City and North Adelaide. The close of voting is midday on Monday 26 July,

We asked each of the seven candidates to respond to four simple questions about your Adelaide Park Lands. See their full responses, along with our evaluation, and our how-to-vote recommendation in this document (PDF, 7 pages)

Their responses (in some cases edited for brevity) appear below in ballot paper order. However, you might find it easier to read the full text in the PDF.

Disclosure: one of the candidates, Keiran Snape is a current member of the APA managing Committee but played no part in the design of the questions nor evaluation of the responses.


What future land uses would you support within the Park Lands? (e.g. informal recreation, amateur sport, professional sport, cultural festivals, institutional, educational, tourism?)


What kind of new buildings would you support within the Park Lands? (e.g. clubrooms, kiosks, swimming pool etc)


What kind of new private commercial developments would you support in the Park Lands, if at all?  (e.g. hotel, gymnasium, office building, residential, retail, innovation hub?)


Do you support World Heritage listing of the Adelaide Park Lands?

See their full responses, along with our evaluation and our how-to-vote recommendation, here: (PDF, 7 pages)

See the Electoral Commission guide to the supplementary election here.