Adelaide Park Lands Association

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Hope emerges for Adelaide Recreation Circuit

Promises made during an election campaign need to be taken with a pinch of salt, but it's been heartening to see messages of support emerging for what could be the greatest-ever promotion of your Adelaide Park Lands.

Self-starter Jason Redman has been quietly gathering widespread community support for a radical idea: to link all the Parks of your Adelaide Park Lands in an unbroken, illuminated, walking/running/cycling track.

Jason Redman. Pic: Tom Huntley, News Ltd

The concept is simple but the effect would be dramatic: to unite the disparate parts of your Park Lands into a showcased, united whole. Locals and visitors alike would have the opportunity to move easily around the Park Lands - dipping in and out of each Park without having to contend with traffic.

The entirety of your Park Lands would be accessible and on show, 24/7 as Adelaide's unique garland, inviting exploration and appreciation of their unique nature. No other city in the world could offer the experience of running, walking or cycling, non-stop, around an entire city through Park Lands.

Bridges and/or well-lit tunnels would link each Park with its neighbouring Park

For the first time, the project has received encouragement from one of the major political parties.

Deputy Labor leader Susan Close and SA Labor candidate for Adelaide, Lucy Hood, have promised that an incoming Labor Government would investigate the feasibility of the proposed project. The Greens have promised to "lobby the next Government to make this a priority". The Animal Justice Party has also responded enthusiastically to the idea.

One of the key factors that has propelled this idea into an election campaign issue is that some political parties now realise that it has widespread community and business support. The concept has been endorsed by groups such as Business SA, the CBD Recovery Policy Committee (which includes the Committee for Adelaide, the Australian Hotels Association, and the Property Council), Bike SA, Bike Adelaide, the SA Road Runners Club, Athletics SA , the RAA, and Kaurna community representatives.

Read more about the proposed Adelaide Recreation Circuit

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