Adelaide Park Lands Association

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Students entering 'Unpaving Paradise' poster design competition

Students at schools and universities in and near the Adelaide CBD are being invited to send in entries to the 'UnPaving Paradise' Poster design competition.

APA is looking for bright ideas to kick start reclaiming disused bitumen areas in your Park Lands and turning them into inviting Open Green Public spaces. This is the site where the City Council has encouraged us to plan a pilot re-greening project.

This is our first entry, from Antonia Lambrakis of Year 6 at St Mary's College in Franklin Street.

Antonia suggests "it would be great if there was at least one water fountain and dog bowl in the area."

Stephanie Johnston, the chair of our "Unpaving Paradise Planning Committee" has written to dozens of schools to introduce them to the competition.

Ms Johnston has advised schools that "Dr Jo Russell-Clarke from the University of Adelaide, and other members of our planning committee have offered to meet with staff and/or students, either at the Thebarton re-greening site, or at the relevant school."

"Visiting the site could become a springboard to introduce the competition and inspire students with the sorts of ideas that might be possible."

Ms Johnston says "there may be particular staff who have a class that could undertake the competition as part of their classwork. Or perhaps there are after-hours activities that it would suit, run by staff or parents or other school supporters.

"We welcome all possibilities!"

Entries for the competition are open until 13 May.

Full details here: