Adelaide Park Lands Association

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State Gov't tree threats making national headlines

The State Government's threats to dozens of trees in your Adelaide Park Lands is making headlines around Australia.

APA has been calling for a win-win outcome, promoting the concept of a new Aquatic Centre on a brownfields site (rather than on an Open Green Public Park Lands site).

The State Government is pretending to consult the public but its fake process does not acknowledge even the possibility of any brownfields site.

The State Government is pretending that these are the only options. It’s asking which set of dozens of trees would you like to lose?

Its stubborn refusal to consider a win-win outcome for swimmers and your Park Lands signals an apparent determination to cut down dozens of mature trees in one of three Open Green Public areas within Denise Norton Park/ Pardipardinyilla (Park 2).

Therefore, we have started our own rival public consultation, with a one-minute open-ended survey to gauge support for a wide range of alternatives.

This controversy has been reported in:

Have your own say in our one-minute survey. Unlike the State Government, we really DO want to know where you’d like to see a new Aquatic Centre built.

We'll pass on the results of our survey to the State Government.

Read more here: