Adelaide Park Lands Association

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Candidates forum - Wed 28 September

You're invited to hear and question candidates for next month's City Council elections.

The Adelaide Park Lands Association is inviting candidates for Lord Mayor, Area Councillor, and Central Ward to speak to you and answer your questions, about your Park Lands and other issues.

Naturally we expect candidates to express their views and policies about your Adelaide Park Lands, but candidates and questions are welcome on any topic of relevance to the City Council election.

Save the date: Wednesday 28 September from 6.30pm. This forum will give you a chance to hear from, and compare the candidates standing for election as Lord Mayor, Area Councillor, and Central Ward Councillor. Reserve your seat here:

This event at the North Adelaide Community Centre will be livestreamed on APA'S Facebook page, and posted later to APA's YouTube channel.

The venue is the North Adelaide Community Centre, 170 Tynte Street. The venue’s capacity is capped at 100, so it’s necessary to reserve a place with a free ticket from EventBrite.

At the time of writing, it was not clear how many candidate nominations would be received by the Electoral Commission. Nominations were due to close at 12 noon on Tuesday 6 September.

The mail-out of voting papers to electors happens between 14 and 20 October, with the close of voting 5.00pm Thursday 10 November. Vote counting will be conducted on Saturday 12 November.

We will be inviting candidates for Central Ward, Area Councillor, and Lord Mayor, but NOT candidates for North Ward nor South Ward.

Candidates and voters in North Ward and South Ward will have comparable opportunities at other events that are scheduled on other dates in September. There is a:

We will be offering all candidates an equal amount of time to speak and then inviting questions from the floor. The time allotted to each speaker will be determined after we know how many candidates have nominated and will be attending.

Here is the format for the APA forum on Wednesday 28 September.

  • 6.30pm - Welcome, introduction and explanation of format.

  • 6.35pm - Central Ward candidates (in alphabetical order) tentatively allotted 2m30s each for speech. Assuming 12 candidates, completion by 7.10pm

  • 7.10pm – Questions from the floor to Central Ward candidates (20 mins)

  • 7.30pm - Break for tea/coffee biscuits (15 mins)

  • 7.45pm - Area Councillor candidates (in alphabetical order) tentatively allotted 2m30s each for speech. Assuming 8 candidates, completion by 8.10pm

  • 8.10pm - Questions from the floor to Area councillor candidates (15 mins)

  • 8.25pm – Lord Mayoral candidates (in alphabetical order) tentatively allotted 2m30s each for speech. Assuming 5 candidates, completion by 8.40pm

  • 8.40pm - Questions from the floor to Lord Mayoral candidates (20 mins)

  • 9.00pm - FINISH

If there are more or fewer candidates than predicted, allotted times for speeches could be increased or decreased.