Adelaide Park Lands Association

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Art Prize - a winner's advice

What does it take to become a first prize winner in the Adelaide Park Lands Art Prize?

Here's some advice from 2018 winner, and 2020 finalist, Christopher Meadows.

Having been an artist, illustrator, and educator for most of his life, Christopher Meadows has been actively involved in creating and promoting the visual arts in the community both in Australia and overseas.

“I began by considering the egalitarian nature of the wide variety of natural spaces that surround our city. While the visual beauty of the Adelaide Park Lands are inspirational in itself, I also thought it was important to visually represent them as spaces for people to use.”

Underlining his work as an artist has always been his passion for representational painting and sculpture. He is regarded as a careful compositional draftsman who uses traditional mediums and techniques to develop images that reflect a sense of quietness. Natural and urban landscapes, memory, and the human form remain a constant source of inspiration.

Other recent works by Christopher Meadows, as featured at

His winning entry in the 2018 Adelaide Park Lands Art Prize "Spheres and Reflections" (depicted above) was purchased by the City of Adelaide and is hanging in the office of Lord Mayor Sandy Verschoor.

His follow-up entry in the 2020 Art Prize "Between the Flags" - one of the finalists - was also purchased by the City of Adelaide.

Entries are now open for the $50,000 Adelaide Park Lands Art Prize 2023. As well as a $20,000 first prize, there are 15 minor prizes on offer ($2,000 each) including prizes in categories such as young artist (under 25), school student, digital art, "emerging artist" and People's Choice.

Entries are NOW OPEN for the 2023 Art Prize. Entries close on 31 January.