Adelaide Park Lands Association

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Hands Up for Your Trees

Hands Up for a Win-Win Aquatic Centre

ON THIS “PROTECT” SITE: Sat 24 September @ 9.30am

Come to “Protect” the site on the corner of Jeffcott Road and Barton Terrace West. 9.30am to 10.00am. Saturday 24 September. Wear black, and put up your hands with us!

First: sign our petition to the Premier.

Then, come to Denise Norton Park / Pardipardinyilla (Park 2) at 9.30am on Saturday 24 September, to put your hands up for:

  • these tall sugar gums,

  • the row of Aleppo pines along Jeffcott road,

  • the nearby row of Moreton Bay fig trees, and

  • a threatened sports field, and more.

More than 85 percent of survey respondents voted for a new Aquatic Centre to be built on a brownfield site: with most opting for a location close to public transport in Hindmarsh, Thebarton, Bowden or Brompton. See “Real Survey Results” below.

Despite this clear community feedback, the State Government is pushing ahead with its win-lose scenario. The Government is promising a new Aquatic Centre, while also threatening to tear apart this slice of your world-unique National Heritage-listed Adelaide Park Lands.

The State Government is trying to pretend there is community support for its plans, but we call bullshit. A leaflet being distributed by the Government just doesn’t pass the pub test.

Show the State Government that there's a better way. Show candidates for the City Council election that you value your Park Lands.

The sports field in Denise Norton Park / Pardinpardinyilla (Park 2) that would be destroyed under the State Government’s plan.

Put your hands up for these trees, and put your hands up for a win-win Aquatic Centre, away from your irreplaceable Park Lands.

This is a short, sharp, protest action. 9.30 to 10.00am. Meet at the corner of Jeffcott Road and Barton Terrace West. Wear black; and raise your hands with us on Saturday 24 September. Protect and Restore. It's now or never.

What else can you do?

Real Survey Results

During July, while the Government’s consultants were trying to shoe-horn a dubious “consultation” into a preconceived very narrow range of options, the Adelaide Park Lands Association ran a rival, broader, open-ended survey. We used “Survey Monkey” and advertised on social media. By 6pm on Sunday 31 July we had received 682 responses.

Out of 682 responses received by Sunday 31 July, 674 (99%) responded to the question of the proposed Aquatic Centre location. 576 of them (85.5%) wanted to see a new Aquatic Centre built on a site other than on your Open Green Public Adelaide Park Lands.

Only nine percent of respondents wanted to see another Aquatic Centre built on your Open Green Public Park Lands.

Of the 576 respondents who wanted a new Aquatic Centre built somewhere other than Park Lands many commented on the need to have the centre close to public transport in an area that would benefit most from such an important new community facility.

What are the alternative sites?

See our earlier story “Think Outside the Box”