Adelaide Park Lands Association

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I did not speak out

Most parts of your Adelaide Park Lands are still ‘Open Green, Public.’

But many other parts are not. They have been taken from you, over the years, always for very good reasons, of course.

The Parable of Your Park Lands

First they took Park Lands for hospitals:

I did not speak out, because I needed medical treatment.

Then they took Park Lands for education.

I did not speak out, because I needed an education.

Then they took Park Lands for sheds.

I did not speak out, because I needed to store equipment.

Then they took Park Lands for infrastructure.

I did not speak out, because I use infrastructure.

Then they took Park Lands for car parks.

I did not speak out, because I needed to park my car.

Then they took Park Lands for commerce.

I did not speak out, because I needed a job.

Then they took Park Lands for hotels.

I did not speak out, because.....

When will you speak out? When there are no Park Lands left?