Adelaide Park Lands Association

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Aquatic Centre double press

by Shane Sody

More and more people are stepping up to urge construction of a new $82-million Aquatic Centre on a near-city brownfield site, rather than repeating the past by attacking your Park Lands.

Two separate campaigns are under way: one campaign to persuade the State Government; the other campaign to persuade the City Council.

The aim of both campaigns is to PROTECT and RESTORE.

1. To the State Government

One campaign, led by the Adelaide Park Lands Association, is petitioning Premier Peter Malinauskas to: “Save these trees - choose a brownfield site for new Aquatic Centre”. Here’s the petition link:

On 20 December 2022 we advised the Premier that the petition was nearing 1,000 signatures.

By 14 January, the number of signatories on our petition had grown to 1,352. We had not received any reply from the Premier.

2. To the City Council

A parallel campaign is aiming to convince the City Council to rule out a building site on any part of your Adelaide Park Lands.

We’ve urged Park Lands supporters to write to City Councillors to "reject any new lease over any part of the Park Lands and advise the State Government instead to choose a brownfield site." (See below under the heading: ‘What Else Can You Do?’)

Separately, a new paper-based petition to the City Council has similar aims. The paper-based petition, organised by local residents, urges the City Council to:

  1. refuse to grant any lease to the State Government for a new Aquatic Centre in Denise Norton Park / Pardipardinyilla (Park 2) or any other part of the Adelaide Park Lands;

  2. advise the State Government to choose an alternative near-city brownfield site for a new Aquatic Centre; and

  3. petition the State Government to approve the long-delayed State Heritage listing of the Adelaide Park Lands, and support an application to UNESCO for World Heritage listing.

You can download and print the petition on a single A4 page, collect signatures, and deliver it to the City Council.

Read more:

What else can you do?

Suggested email (please amend as you see fit)

Dear Councillor:

Congratulations for your decision on 13 December 2022, to support the Adelaide Park Lands.

I especially appreciate the Council’s expressed willingness to engage with the State Government on a long-term strategy to restore parts of the Park Lands to ‘Open, Green, Public.’

This Council resolution will be put to the test in 2023 if the State Government continues its agenda to construct an $82 million aquatic centre on a new site in Denise Norton Park / Pardipardinyilla (Park 2). The State Government so far has ignored overwhelming community demand to select a brownfield site instead.

When push comes to shove this year, I hope that you will stand firm on your commitment to the Park Lands, respect the wishes of the public, reject any new lease over any part of the Park Lands and advise the State Government to choose a brownfield site instead.


Here are their email addresses:

See related stories about the proposed new Aquatic Centre: