Adelaide Park Lands Association

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Bonython Park attack zone revealed

The State Government has revealed the massive extent of your Park Lands that will be subject to building works over the next eight years.

To build the proposed $3 billion new Women's and Children's Hospital on your Park Lands, the Government is claiming it needs to control almost all of Bonython Park / Tulya Wardli (Park 27) plus a slice of the adjacent Narnungga Urban Forest in Park 25 for "large scale excavation works".

The State Government’s “expanded area” of 19 hectares that will be subject to “large-scale excavation works” during the eight-year construction period for the proposed new Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

The "expanded area" to be controlled is 19 hectares (190,000 square metres, or 47 acres). The new hospital is intended to be on a footprint of about 3 hectares, so the claim over a further 19 hectares would appear to be a massive over-reach.

The targeted 19 hectares includes the area between the Bonython Park kiosk and Port Road, the area surrounding the circular model boat pond, and the open, grassed area often used by circuses and music festivals.

Work is due to commence later this year, and is scheduled to last until the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital is completed in 2031.

This land grab seems to have ended the hopes of beach volleyball coming to Bonython Park. It would also make it impossible to carry out our 'UnPaving Paradise' plans to restore a bitumen car park opposite the Thebarton tram stop.

There is very limited opportunity for you to comment on the Government's proposal. A “consultation information pack” of 26 pages has been produced solely for soliciting feedback about Kaurna heritage or burial sites in the affected area.

City Councillor Keiran Snape says he’s “absolutely appalled that the State Government would even consider a further land grab of our precious Park Lands.”

“The unique belt of Park Lands in the figure of eight is an integral part of our bid for World Heritage Listing and I fear that sealing off that final slither of greenery would be the final nail in the coffin.'“

Councillor Keiran Snape

The State Government's office for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation recognises this "expanded area" as an area of cultural significance to the Kaurna people of Adelaide. It is referred to as the Karrawirra Pari (River Torrens) Kaurna Mythological Site.

The State Government’s seizure of Park Lands for the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital was rushed through State Parliament in November 2022, with minimal debate.