Adelaide Park Lands Association

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Meet our TikTok guru

by Carla Caruso

Since March, international student Lisa Stoverink has been helping out with our TikTok feed.

To help introduce the 20-year-old, we thought we’d put her in the hotseat for a few rapid-fire questions. Here’s how it went…

Lisa loves nothing more than being out in nature. Photo: Lisa Stoverink.

Hi, Lisa. Please tell us about your new role at APA and how you got involved.

I have been taking videos of parks in Adelaide, so hopefully more people can see how beautiful they are.

I got involved because a message was posted on my university’s Facebook page … and I thought it would be very fun.

Where are you from and what are you studying?

I come from the Netherlands, and I am studying on exchange for a half-year here in Adelaide. I will head back home around June/July – end of semester one.

[In the Netherlands] I live in a small village, but it is near [student city] Enschede and also the German cross-border.

I’m studying communication and media, and nutrition and food sciences here. I’m really interested in both areas: nutrition and media. To promote public health and healthy diets, I think you need to learn more about social media.

An example of the kind of video Lisa posts. See it here.

What do you love about TikTok?

I like that you can reach a wider public. Also, it is a nice platform for a lot of people – young and old – but also for people with different interests.

Which of our city’s parks has been your favourite so far?

That’s a difficult question because I like them all. All the parks have their own beauty.

But if I have to choose, it would be Park 21 [Veale Park / Walyu Yarta] because it has a lot of small waterfalls.

The water features in Veale Park / Walyu Yarta (Park 21) are a favourite of Lisa’s.

When do you ordinarily film? And what keeps you busy in between?

I usually do the filming on the weekends with my roommates. It is a nice weekend activity.  

Most of the [rest of the] time, I am studying. Otherwise, I like to cook or travel.

Lisa has been enjoying exploring the countryside with friends while in Australia. Photo: Lisa Stoverink.