Adelaide Park Lands Association

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Win-win decision time

After more than a year of campaigning, and more than 5,100 signatures on a petition, this month of August 2023 is crunch time. This month, there’ll be two decisions that will lead to either:

  • a win-win for swimmers and your Park Lands, or

  • a win-lose, with a renewed attack on a massive three hectares of Park 2 in your Adelaide Park Lands; next to the Adelaide Aquatic Centre.

If you Love Your Park Lands, now is the time to make your voice heard.

Both the State Government and the City Council have been urged to find a win-win: to pick a convenient near-city brownfield site for a proposed $135 million megalith Aquatic and commercial centre, rather than launch yet another attack on your Park Lands.

The State Government proposal: A win-lose for your Park Lands, that would destroy dozens of mature trees, rather than the win-win option of locating this proposed building on a convenient, near-city brownfield site, close to public transport.

The City Council is due to make its decision at its meeting on 22 August.

The State Government has not yet responded to our petition (see below) but can still opt to change course, to avoid breaking three of its own promises.

In the future, the area marked in blue will be either entirely Open Green Public Park Lands with a new aquatic centre located somewhere else (a win-win for swimmers and your Park Lands) OR the area marked in blue will be covered in bitumen, concrete and an enormous new aquatic and commercial centre (a win-lose for your Park Lands). It’s up to you, right now.

You can still help to protect this threatened three-hectare Park Lands site, and insist on a better, win-win site. However, time is running out. Your help is needed, NOW!

What is the Council doing?

The City Council has been undertaking the bare minimum public consultation on three very significant documents:

What can you do, to send a message to the Council?

Consultation on the CLMP has already closed. The Adelaide Park Lands Association has endorsed this scathing submission from author John Bridgland (PDF, 30 pages, 410 Kb).

Nevertheless, it is not too late for you to speak up about the proposed construction licence and proposed 42-year lease. There are two groups of people who need to hear your message: the City Council bureaucracy AND the elected Councillors.

The closing date for any of these type of submissions is 5.00pm on Thursday 3 August 2023.

What is the State Government doing?

It’s proposing to break three of it’s own promises:

Three broken promises: (1) to protect Adelaide's tree canopy; (2) to consult you on your preferred Aquatic Centre location; and (3) to keep the old centre operating while a new one was being built.

Premier, Peter Malinauskas has now received the names of more than 5,000 people on our petition: Save These Trees: Choose a Brownfield Site for New Aquatic Centre.”

27 July 2023. Left: APA President Shane Sody delivering 5,073 names on the petition to the Premier’s office.

Right: Mr Sody, and APA Deputy President Ben Ayris, on the same day, with a copy of the petition list for Lord Mayor Jane Lomax-Smith

The petition, containing 5,073 signatures, was delivered to the Premier's office on 27 July. This followed a public display: “Plant to Protect” in Denise Norton Park / Pardipardinyilla (Park 2) on Sunday 9 July.

What can you do, to send a message to the Gov’t?

Our petition is still open, but at this stage we suggest writing directly to :

Click on their names to open a draft suggested email.

Very last line of defence

If none of the above strategies succeeds, and the bulldozers are threatening to move in to destroy the trees, will you put yourself in their way?

If you’re prepared to rebel for your Park Lands, then please give us your confidential contact details, so we can invite you later to participate in specific direct action. Contact to be put on a confidential alert list.

Read more

See our ongoing year-long coverage of the proposed new aquatic and commercial centre: