Under our Constitution, the Annual General Meeting must be held in April each year.
In 2023, the AGM was held at the Unley Town Hall, Oxford Terrace Unley (pictured below) from 10am to noon on Sunday 30 April. Members also had the option of attending remotely, via Zoom.
Draft Minutes of the meeting are here: (PDF, 3pp, 165 Kb).
The Minutes are considered “draft” until confirmed at the next General Meeting of Members.
Unley Town Hall - venue for the Annual General Meeting, Sunday 30 April 2023, 10am.
The full agenda is here: (PDF, 58 pages, 15.4 Mb)
The outline is:
Confirmation of Minutes from the 2022 AGM - Attachment 1
President’s Report (Shane Sody) - (Attachment 2) and Strategic Plan 2021-24 (version 4) - Attachment 3
Park Lands Art Prize Report (Nataliya Dikovskaya) - Attachment 4
Treasurer’s Report and 2022 Audited Financial Statements (Bruno Zeni) - Attachments 5a, 5b and 5c
Nomination of Auditor (Bruno Zeni)
Proposed Membership fees 2023-24 - Attachment 6
Election of President, Secretary, Treasurer and up to eight Committee Positions - Attachment 7
Guest Speaker (Mark Parnell)
Any Other Business
Guest speaker: Mark Parnell, former Greens leader in the SA Parliament.
Who can attend the AGM?
Although this is a public web page, invitations to the AGM and a link to this page have been issued only to APA’s current financial members. Therefore if you’ve received a link to this page from then you are a current member.
If you’re not sure whether your membership is current, please email to inquire. If you’re not a member, you can join APA here.
Prior to finalising this agenda
In our newsletter of 1 April 2023, members were invited to submit (by 13 April) any items for consideration in the AGM agenda, for consideration by the Committee on 13 April. No member items were submitted.
In the member-only editions of our newsletters of 1 April 2023, and 15 April 2023, members were invited to consider nominating for our Committee. When nominations closed on 23 April, 11 nominations had been received. See Attachment 7 in the full agenda.
We are an incorporated Association, and so we are bound by this Constitution (as amended up to and including the 2022 AGM).