Do you know any Kaurna cultural and historical stories associated with your Adelaide Park Lands?
These stories come to life, inside the City of Adelaide’s “Kaurna Voices Cultural Mapping tool”
There's uncertainty about the future of the three North Adelaide Golf Courses, on Possum Park / Pirltawardli (Park 1 of your Adelaide Park Lands) and the 85 species identified so far amongst the biodiversity of that Park.
Take our short survey to tell us about you and your Park Lands. What’s important to you? How could we improve our role?
It’ll take about nine minutes to choose your responses; and there are ten prizes of Park Lands merchandise to be won, for completed surveys.
The Premier, Peter Malinauskas is remaining tight-lipped about how your Adelaide Park Lands would be affected by proposals to "re-develop" the golf courses in Possum Park /Pirltawardli (Park 1).
The SA Motor Sport Board is refusing to release details of complaints, to investigate any detrimental impacts on Adelaide, nor to contemplate any alternative locations for the controversial annual Adelaide 500 motor racing event.
The Premier, Peter Malinauskas is remaining tight-lipped about how your Adelaide Park Lands would be affected by proposals to "re-develop" the golf courses in Possum Park /Pirltawardli (Park 1).