Under our Constitution, the Annual General Meeting must be held in April each year.

In 2024, the AGM will be held, again, at the Unley Town Hall, Oxford Terrace Unley (pictured below) from 10am to noon on Sunday 21 April. Members also have the option of attending remotely, via Zoom. (The Zoom link is included in the agenda for the 2024 AGM (password-protected).


The full agenda including the Zoom link, is password protected, available only to APA Members.

The password is the same one that APA Members can use to get tickets for Guided Walks or to enter the APA Member Shop. It is provided in every APA ‘Members-Only’ edition of the bimonthly newsletter ‘Open Green Public’. (The other thousands of newsletter readers get a version of the newsletter without the password.)

As usual, the password was provided in the APA Member newsletter, emailed on Monday 15 April.

If you cannot find your 15 April newsletter (member edition) or find the APA Member password in any earlier ‘member-edition’ newsletter, then contact the secretary:

If you would like to JOIN APA as a member, it’s easy. Do it here:

Guest speaker: veteran Adelaide broadcaster and historian, Keith Conlon

Draft Minutes of the previous (2023) AGM are included in the agenda for the 2024 AGM (password-protected).

The Minutes of the 2023 AGM are considered “draft” until confirmed at the 2024 Annual General Meeting.

Earlier opportunities

In March and earlier in April 2024, we invited you to help to steer your Association. Members were offered the opportunities to:

  • nominate for the Managing Committee (i.e. equivalent to our Board of Directors); and/or

  • put forward motions for discussion or decision by the membership.

Any motions for discussion or decision at the AGM needed to have been received by the Secretary no later than Wednesday 10 April.

No motions were received.

Nominations for the Committee needed to have been received no later than a week before the AGM - ie by Sunday 14 April.

When nominations closed, there was one nomination each for President, Secretary and Treasurer, and six nominations for the position of Ordinary Committee members.

See details in the agenda for the 2024 AGM (password-protected).,


The agenda for the 2024 AGM (password-protected) was released on Monday 15 April.

It includes:

  1. Welcome, and confirmation of quorum (20 required)

  2. Apologies

  3. Confirmation of Minutes from the 2023 AGM

  4. President’s Report (Shane Sody) and Strategic Plan 2021-24 (version 5.01)

  5. Park Lands Art Prize Report (Nataliya Dikovskaya)

  6. Treasurer’s Report and 2024 Financial Statements (Bruno Zeni)

  7. Nomination of Auditor (Bruno Zeni)

  8. Proposed Membership fees 2024-25

  9. Election of President, Secretary, Treasurer and up to eight Committee Positions

  10. Guest Speaker: Keith Conlon, in conversation with Shane Sody

  11. Any Other Business


The agenda for the 2024 AGM including the Zoom link, is password-protected, available only to APA Members.

The password is the same one that you can use to get tickets for Guided Walks or to enter the APA Member Shop. It is provided in every APA ‘Members-Only’ edition of the bimonthly newsletter ‘Open Green Public’. (The other thousands of newsletter readers get a version of the newsletter without the password.)

As usual, the password was provided in your APA Member newsletter, emailed on Monday 15 April.

If you cannot find your 15 April newsletter, or find the APA Member password in any earlier newsletter, then contact the secretary:

Who can attend the AGM?

Although this is a public web page, invitations to the AGM will be issued only to APA’s current financial members. Therefore if you’ve received a link to this page from then you are a current member.

If you’re not sure whether your membership is current, please email to inquire. If you’re not a member, you can join APA here.


We are an incorporated Association, and so we are bound by this Constitution (as amended up to and including the 2022 AGM).