Adelaide Park Lands Association

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Unpaving Paradise - Poster Design competition

by Stephanie Johnston

We're offering cash prizes for your vision on how to re-green part of a bitumen car park.

How would you unpave paradise? It's a competition to find ideas for a pop-up oasis, to transform this neglected part of Bonython Park / Tulya Wardli (Park 27)

In partnersip with the City of Adelaide and the School of Architecture and Built Environment at the University of Adelaide, the Adelaide Park Lands Association invites you to submit one or more ideas to transform a small area of bitumen carpark into a creative oasis of green!


The competition is seeking ideas for the temporary transformation of a small area of the Adelaide Park Lands currently occupied by bitumen carparking. Roughly 20m x 14m (280m2), the site is alongside the Thebarton tram stop, not far from the SAPOL Road Safety Centre and Bonython Park kiosk. It's across Port Road from a range of old and new businesses.

It is expected that the old bitumen surface will remain but will be covered or repurposed to make it cooler and greener. If successful, the winning concept might be expanded further at this site and/or at other degraded areas of the Adelaide Park Lands.

Here are a few sample ideas to get you thinking.

Consider elements that might attract people to the site and encourage them to linger longer such as:

  • Plant species that can be grown in pots and planter boxes (think resilient, themed, drought-tolerant, bird and insect-attracting, colourful, edible or…??)

  • Bollards, fencing, pallets, mulch or other props to delineate the site

  • Pavers – timber, stone or concrete to create pathways through the site

  • Plant containers, umbrellas, play elements and outdoor furniture that can be sourced or improvised (think seating of all sorts, pallets, milk crates, concrete pipes or …??)

  • Decorative elements such as signage, sculpture, solar powered or festoon lighting

Consider also:

  • Less might be more – some of the above elements, not necessarily all of the above!

  • The concept needs to work as a template for this and other potential locations

  • Concept designs can consider specific users or mixes of many users at different times of the day and night.

  • How might the young and old, special interest groups, clubs and families use a special new green space here?

  • What activities would help people enjoy being outdoors? What can’t be found elsewhere or nearby?

  • Who is nearby, who could make good use of a new green space for events?

  • What might non-human users want?

  • Local history might also be a source of inspiration, from Indigenous to settler to industrial activities in the area.


Open to individuals or groups with four entry categories as follows

  • Primary school

  • Secondary School

  • University students and new graduates

  • Open category

Judging criteria

Entries will be judged on the design's attention to:

  • Greening and cooling

  • Enticing and engaging visitors, and

  • imagination! or creativity

Submission requirements and process

  • Submissions must be made by email to If your file is too large to be emailed, then send a link to your file on Google Drive, DropBox, iCloud or similar.

  • All submissions should have their own fabulous project name that grabs the judging panel’s attention and captures the key ideas of the submission – serious or funny, punning, rhyming or just what it is!

  • Submissions will be in the form of ‘posters’ and should focus on visualising what the proposed space would be like. Plans and sections can be used to explain location of elements, but the key persuasive tool will be your views of the space and users having fun there.

  • Images can be produced in any media – pencil, paint, collage or any combination of hand or digital techniques – and in any style. It is a good idea to consider using a photo of the site to build up your own view.

  • You could consider what it is like to look into the site from outside, but also what it is like to look out while being within…

  • You can compose your poster with several different images or just stun us with one great picture of a great possibility.

Submission format

  • Primary school category: 1 x A3 landscape format poster

  • Secondary School category: 2 x A3 page landscape posters (or tiled for 1 x A2)

  • Uni students, graduates and open category: 4 x A3 (or tiled for 1 x A1)

Send some accompanying text with just the name of project, entry category, name, school/institution, and contact email. All words explaining the project should be included on the poster.

Critical dates

  • Competition opens: 1 January 2022

  • Competition closes: midnight 13 May 2022

  • Judging: May 2022

  • Winners announced in the Adelaide Park Lands Association newsletter “Open Green Public” of 1 June 2022


The jury will comprise a minimum of 3 persons, with a selection to be determined from:

  • A representative of the Adelaide Park Lands Association

  • A representative of the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects

  • A member of ODASA and/or Australian Institute of Architects

  • A councillor from the City of Adelaide and/or West Torrens

  • A Kaurna representative


Cash prizes will be awarded for the winner and runner up in all 4 categories

  • Junior/primary school $200 first prize, $50 runner-up

  • Secondary/high school $200 first prize, $50 runner-up

  • University and graduates $400 first prize, $100 runner-up

  • Open $400 first prize, $100 runner-up

Email your entry to: