Hit the park running

Hit the park running

Opposition leader Peter Malinauskas has been spruiking his ‘hump day’ park runs while on the State election campaign trail.

But he’s just one of many avid Park Lands runners. There are plenty of events and groups to get involved with - including a Park Stampede relay with the SA Road Runners this Sunday, March 6.

Hope emerges for Adelaide Recreation Circuit

Hope emerges for Adelaide Recreation Circuit

Promises made during an election campaign need to be taken with a pinch of salt, but it's been heartening to see messages of support emerging for what could be the greatest-ever promotion of your Adelaide Park Lands.

For the first time, the proposed Adelaide Recreation Circuit has emerged as an election issue, with encouragement from SA Labor, and full-throated support from the Greens, the SA Party, and the Animal Justice Party.

Re-Greening? Yeah, sure

Re-Greening?  Yeah, sure

Who knew Premier Steven Marshall has turned into a Fringe comedian? This is what the Premier calls "re-greening" of Helen Mayo Park in your Adelaide Park Lands.

Despite thousands calling on the Premier to Save Helen Mayo Park, he’s trying to convince you that he wants to re-green the Park with a 15-thousand seat stadium. Yeah, sure, whatever….

Rosy outlook

Rosy outlook

Things are looking rosy for the International Rose Garden at the Adelaide Botanic Garden.

The spot is undergoing a significant revitalisation, with the aim of achieving an Award of Garden Excellence from the World Federation of Rose Societies, before Adelaide hosts the World Rose Convention in October.

Follow the money

Follow the money

The State Government is proud of achieving 'National Park City' status for Adelaide but its real values are betrayed by its spending priorities.

Funds provided for Greening Adelaide grants and other Park enhancements are vastly exceeded by funds provided to destroy hundreds of trees and huge tracts of your Open Green Public Park Lands.