Place to reflect

Place to reflect

Members of the Stolen Generations now have a dedicated space in the city to reflect and connect, with a Place of Reflection opening last month in Rymill Park / Murlawirrapurka (Park 14).

At the centre of the space is a bronze sculpture, created by renowned Ngarrindjerri weaver Aunty Yvonne Koolmatrie and South Australian designer Karl Meyer.

Brewery site purchase raises hopes

Brewery site purchase raises hopes

Reports that the State Government is close to finalising a deal for the old West End Brewery site at Thebarton has raised hopes that infrastructure developments threatened for your Park Lands might be switched to this alternative site.

Meanwhile, the City Council has deferred a vote on handing over a three-hectare Park Lands site for a $135 million, two-storey megalith aquatic and commercial centre.

Waterworks and bricks

Waterworks and bricks

Have you noticed this strange small octagonal building in Rundle Park / Kadlitpina (Park 13) near the corner of Botanic Road and Dequetteville Terrace?

It’s on a site that was restored to your Park Lands in the 1980s; and is a rare surviving example of patterned brickwork that was commonly used in the late 1800s.

As well, he delves into how Adelaide became the first fully septic-drained city in the nation.