Premier confirms another selloff

Premier confirms another selloff

Premier Peter Malinauskas has confirmed that another area, legally part of your Park Lands, will soon be handed over to private developers.

There’s been no public consultation, no tender, nothing except secret negotiations behind closed doors, but the heirs and shareholders of the late Lang Walker are about to become much richer by building over land taken from your Park Lands.

Undoubtedly Ivana

Undoubtedly Ivana

Digital creator Ivana Fittock is known for her colourful outfits, her infectious smile – and for regularly styling shoots against a pink-striped wall.

The 35-year-old from the north-east also loves a trip to your Adelaide Park Lands, as seen on her Instagram page, Undoubtedly Ivana.

The fashionista and gym junkie has 10,000-plus followers online. Recently, we sat down with her for a chat.