Our series of stories, Know Your Park Lands Art, guides you through various creative displays within your Adelaide Park Lands.
This month, we look at a statue in Light Square / Wauwi dedicated to South Australia’s famous suffragist.
Earlier this month, Adelaideans endured the city’s coldest July morning in more than a century
Despite the record-breaking chill, it certainly hasn’t caused your Park Lands to go into hibernation.
Annual winter event Illuminate Adelaide is celebrating “art, light, music and technology” until the 21st.
Labor MP for Adelaide, Lucy Hood, is attempting to deflect attention from the State Government's recent attacks on your Park Lands, by claiming State credit for actions taken before she was born.
Highlighting decades-old Park restorations, while failing to acknowledge any recent Park Lands attacks has been described by the Deputy Lord Mayor as “Olympic-level gymnastics”.