'Take Action" #4 - "Donate"
Whether or not you are a paid-up member of our Association, you can still put some cold hard cash in our hands.
We are often fighting well-heeled "establishment"types with deep pockets, as they pursue their dreams of alienating their targeted patch of Park Lands, and we have very limited resources to fight back.
You can specify a particular issue you'd like to target with your donation, but whatever you contribute, we can use only towards the objectives in our Constitution.
There are three ways of donating.
Choose your preferred amount.

2. THROUGH Paypal
Choose your preferred amount.
3. BY Direct deposit
into the APA bank account with Credit Union SA:
Account name: Adelaide Park Lands Association, Inc.
BSB 805007
Account number 00314120
If you are paying by direct deposit, please put your name as the payment identifier and then email secretary@adelaide-parklands.asn.au to ensure that your payment can be identified correctly and acknowledged.
Unfortunately donations to the Adelaide Park Lands Association are not tax deductible.