State Election 2022 - Question #6 (for bonus points)

Return to Open Green Public?


We directed each political party to the list of Park Land sites that are no longer Open, Green, Public and invited each party to nominate any site or sites for re-greening, rehabilitation, or restoration to Open Green Public.” Here’s what each Party replied:

PartyParty ResponseAPA evaluationScore
Pauline Hanson's One NationNil0
Real Change SANo bonus points. I’m afraid.0
Liberal Democratic PartyNil0
Animal Justice PartyI would support the following to be re-greened, rehabilitated or restored to Open Green Public: A - Sports sheds, pavilions or locked sports courts; D - Car Parks or Bitumen However, other categories would be assessed for suitability for this purpose. I would also like to see a green corridor or cycle route in Lot 14 (or Park 11)The response identifies no specific site. It is inconceivable that all sports sheds would be or should be removed. Bonus points for the green corridor suggestion however.6
GreensThe Victoria Park Race Course is a perfect example of land that could be restored as an open green space. But of course, there are many more – particularly when we look at various car parks that have been built on our park lands and have contributed to their degradation. We know that without urgent and meaningful action, each generation loses that little bit more of our precious green space. The response is vague as it identifies no specific car parking area. Assuming the response refers to hard surfaced bitumen areas in the former motor racing “pit straight” then it is worthy of some bonus points. 5
Liberal PartyThe Government will continue to invest in projects to revegetate, rehabilitate, and improve the Park Lands as opportunities are identified in the development of the Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy, by the City of Adelaide, or by Green Adelaide.The response fails to identify any site for restoration to Park Lands.0
SA Labor An elected Malinauskas Labor Government will not commercialise Pinky Flat, Elder Park or the River Torrens with a 20-storey development on the riverbank. We will not support the Marshall Liberal Government's $662 million basketball stadium that would take in the Helen Mayo Park’s treasured walking and cycling paths, established parklands and areas of cultural significance to the Kaurna people.The response fails to identify any site for restoration to Park Lands.0
SA BestWe are … strongly committed to there being a concerted effort to review all built structures on the parklands and their current uses, for eg. Pavillion on the Park. Where these businesses are closed a project management group including the Adelaide Parklands Group needs to consult widely and develop a plan to deal with these built structures.The suggestion to “review” sites is welcome, although there is no specific site identified as definitely supported for Park reclamation. 5
SA Party (Sustainable Australia)SA Party supports the re-greening of Lot Fourteen, allowing it to return to open, green, and public Park Land. Now that the old hospital has been knocked down it should be easier than ever to do so. We also support the rehabilitation of the Park Lands around the Gaol such as Kate Cocks Park, which should not be turned into a carpark. Finally, SA Party supports the re-greening and restoration of the Bonython Park carpark (formerly Park 27), which is larger than it has right to be.Three specific sites identified.8