State Heritage: 12-year delay coming to a head

by Shane Sody

It's been more than 12 years since your Adelaide Park Lands were nominated for State Heritage listing.

During that time, attacks on Open Green Public Park Lands have continued relentlessly, while progress on Heritage listing has stalled.

Now that 12-year delay is about to come to a head in State Parliament, with a draft law to formally recognise your Adelaide Park Lands as a State Heritage Area.

The Park Lands received National Heritage Listing in 2008 so it was a no-brainer (back in 2009) that we would ask the State Heritage Council to consider whether SA should follow the Federal Government's lead and declare that the Park Lands are worthy of State Heritage recognition.

The River Torrens / Karrawirra Pari in Red Gum Park / Karrawirra (Park 12)

A comprehensive, 91-page assessment in 2018 found that the Adelaide Park Lands easily met heritage criteria specified in State law. (PDF, 48 Mb, 91 pages)

The State Heritage Council, relying on that assessment, recommended to Minister David Speirs (in December 2018) that your Adelaide Park Lands be declared a State Heritage Area.

Since then, we've received nothing but excuses and reasons for procrastination. (PDF, 2.6Mb, 16 pages)

Now, Greens MP Robert Simms is bringing the matter to a head. On Wednesday 1 December, he'll introduce a Bill to State Parliament, to require the Adelaide Park Lands to be listed as a State Heritage Area.

Debate on the Bill will not go ahead immediately. Both the Liberal State Government and the Labor Opposition will need time to study the Bill to determine whether they'll support it.

Bridge over Botanic Creek in King Rodney Park / Ityamai-itpina (Park 15)

However time is running out for the current Parliament, with a State election due on 19 March 2022. It is not yet clear whether Parliament will resume in the New Year before the election.

Achieving State Heritage listing would be an important milestone towards the more important goal of World Heritage listing. It’s been estimated that World Heritage listing of your Adelaide Park Lands would lead to a tourism boost of 20 to 30 percent.

From left: Robert Simms MLC, Green lead Senate candidate Barbara Pocock, and Greens candidate for the Federal electorate of Adelaide, Rebecca Galdies

From left: Robert Simms MLC, Green lead Senate candidate Barbara Pocock, and Greens candidate for the Federal electorate of Adelaide, Rebecca Galdies

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