Voting papers for the City Council’s supplementary election will soon be distributed to voters in the City of Adelaide and North Adelaide.
If you receive a ballot paper in the mail, you’ll also receive a short, official and rather bland profile about each of the seven candidates below.
Official photos of each of the candidates supplied by the candidates themselves, to the Electoral Commission of SA
There are strict restrictions on what candidates can and can’t say in these official “profiles”. However, there are no such restriction on what they can say to you, through other means.
We asked each of these candidates four questions:
What future land uses would you support within the Park Lands? (e.g. informal recreation, amateur sport, professional sport, cultural festivals, institutional, educational, tourism?)
What kind of new buildings would you support within the Park Lands? (e.g. clubrooms. kiosks, swimming pool etc)
What kind of new private commercial developments would you support in the Park Lands, if at all? (e.g. hotel, gymnasium, office building, residential, retail, innovation hub?)
Do you support World Heritage listing of the Adelaide Park Lands?
As we reported in June, there were supposed to be two candidates forums, held on Tuesday 29 June (in North Adelaide) and on Wednesday 30 June, in the south-west City.
The North Adelaide forum had to be postponed, due to new COVID-19 restrictions. The North Adelaide forum has been re-scheduled to Wednesday 7 July.
The south-west City forum went ahead on the evening of 30 June, but organisers were unable to carry through their plans to offer on-line (remote) attendance, so on-site numbers were limited.
We have asked each of the seven candidates to get back to us by Sunday 4 July with their responses to the four questions above.
By 1 July, most of the candidates had responded. We’ll provide you with full responses, from 7 July on our blog, on social media, and, a week later, in our mid-July newsletter as well.
Read more about the supplementary election process at the Electoral Commission of SA.