Meet the Faces Behind APA: Kate Treloar

by Carla Caruso

Many passionate people make up our association, helping to keep your Park Lands in the spotlight. Kate Treloar has been on the management committee for two-and-a-half years. APA’s Carla Caruso asked her five fast questions to learn what drives her.

Kate Treloar at her Central Market bookshop. Photo Tony Lewis/InDaily.

Kate Treloar at her Central Market bookshop. Photo Tony Lewis/InDaily.

Hi, Kate. What made you join the APA committee?

I have always been a greenie but broadly supported almost every issue rather than being hands on and focused. I ran for Lord Mayor in 2018 as I wanted to see more green/community focus in local government, as well as make a bigger contribution personally.

While that campaign was unsuccessful, it opened other opportunities – including this position – and I have loved contributing to the ongoing campaign to value our priceless Park Lands.

What keeps you busy when you’re not undertaking committee duties?

I run Orchard Bookshop in the Central Market with my husband, Nick. It’s a small, fiercely independent space with a strong community focus. Between that and my two kids, two committees, two book clubs, and walking/jogging in nature when I can, that fills the time.

Kate with her husband, Nick, at Monarto Zoo.

Kate with her husband, Nick, at Monarto Zoo.

What’s your favourite park in the Adelaide Park Lands, and why?

Veale Gardens (in Park 21) – such a beautiful space, complete with ducks and little waterfalls. During last year’s lockdown, this was my family’s haven. We lived within walking distance and each day escaped our tiny, garden-less townhouse to do laps of a kilometre-long loop around this tranquil space.

My next Park Lands goal is to walk a lap of the whole city using Park Lands paths. I’ll be doing this on October 3, 2021, and inviting people to join me. It's an event through the upcoming Nature Festival. More details here.

Veale Gardens in Park 21. Photo: James Elsby.

Veale Gardens in Park 21. Photo: James Elsby.

Do you have a favourite story to tell about the Park Lands?

Our Park Lands were a world first when they were established by being the first public park. We were ahead of the times; parks for all, not just those rich enough to own their own.

I am also constantly amazed that we have such a significant natural space right next to a CBD. It’s incredible.

Last year, my family moved out of the CBD and into Kurralta Park. I regularly walk the 4.5km into work at the Central Market, and quite frankly, the first half through ‘burbs and along Anzac Highway is awful. Then I hit the Park Lands. Such a contrast and I get to finish off with blissful respite from cars and grey streetscape before getting to work.

Veale Gardens in Park 21. Photo: James Elsby.

Veale Gardens in Park 21. Photo: James Elsby.

What do you consider the most pressing issue for the Park Lands?

‘Death by a thousand cuts’ – the constant threats to the Green, Open, Public nature of the Park Lands. It feels impossible to fight them all, but once a piece is lost, it almost never gets returned.