by Shane Sody
If you Love Your Park Lands, like we do, you might occasionally hear criticism from people who have latched onto a Park Lands myth.
Maybe they just don’t get the value of Open Green Public space. Or maybe they are just reciting one or more of the talking points, or fake beliefs that they’ve heard from others.
We’ve collected all these myths on one page. Today, we’re highlighting just one.
You are NIMBYs who want to keep the Park Lands as your private back yard.
Who’s a NIMBY?
The truth is the exact opposite.
Special interest groups or businesses are always seeking to build over Park Lands or fence out anyone who's not a paying customer, a client, or member of their special group.
APA does the opposite.
We are the voice of the public, seeking to keep the Park Lands Open Green Public - and free for all.
See the other Park Lands Myth Busters