Earlier this year we received approval from the City of Adelaide to start planning our first "re-greening" project for the Adelaide Park Lands.
The City Council has allowed us to recruit a steering group of interested people, and come up with a plan for re-greening an area of bitumen at the southern end of this temporary car park off Port Road in Bonython Park / Tulya Wardli (Park 27).
This is a pilot project. If, after completion, it's regarded as a success, then we would have high hopes of carrying out other re-greening projects in your Park Lands.
It's hoped that planning for this site will be complete early in 2022. Then, subject to approval of the plan by the Park Lands Authority and the Council, on-ground work to implement the plan would be undertaken in the second half of next year.
We're delighted to have on the steering committee two Councillors from the City of West Torrens, Thebarton Ward. We hope that the involvement of Councillors Dominic Mugavin and Graham Nitschke, will help to build links with the Thebarton community when the on-ground work is expected to commence.
The steering committee held their first meeting at the City of Adelaide on Monday 16 August.
Pictured, from left: Cr Dominic Mugavin, Marty Reeve from City of Adelaide, Cr Graham Nitschke, Kevin Baker from City of Adelaide, Ted Jennings from APA, Stephanie Johnston from the Park Lands Authority, and Damian Mugavin, a Deputy member of the Park Lands Authority. Apologies from Ben Willsmore (Park Lands Authority) and Valdis Dunis (APA Deputy President). Photo: Shane Sody
We have applied for a Green Adelaide "Grassroots Grant" (decision pending) and will also be applying for a City of Adelaide "Community Impact Grant".
However we intend to pursue this project, whether or not we are successful with either grant application.
We were pleased to learn during our meeting on 16 August about the likelhood of obtaining, from the City of Adelaide, some timber, mulch, and grown trees in planter boxes.
One element which will need funding is accessing irrigation for new plantings.
Drip irrigation in a planter box? One option that might be used.
Before any design is drawn up, our steering group will be looking to engage local communities including residents from North Adelaide, Thebarton and Mile End, commuters, cyclists, families coming to the nearby Bonython Park cafe and the adventure playground, as well as those who use the temporary car park.
If you’d like to be involved in the planning, please contact seretary@adelaide-parklands.asn.au
Read more about our “Restore” activities.