Premier Peter Malinauskas has been urged to intervene to RESTORE and PROTECT Denise Norton Park / Pardipardinyilla (Park 2) in response to growing public demand.
The South Australian Government is prepared to invest $82 million to build a new regional Aquatic Centre. As part of the project, the Government is offering to restore the site of the current Aquatic Centre to Open, Green, Public Park Lands.
The site of the existing Aquatic Centre in Denise Norton Park / Pardipardinyilla (Park 2) was chosen more than 50 years ago, well before National Heritage listing of your Adelaide Park Lands.
Construction of a new Aquatic Centre represents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to restore the location of the existing Aquatic Centre to Open, Green, Public. We’ve congratulated the Premier on the restoration part of his plan.
However, there is growing public disquiet about the site that the Government has announced for a new Aquatic Centre; within the same Park.
The Government’s public consultation process in July 2022 was flawed, because it limited choices only to sites within Denise Norton Park / Pardipardinyilla (Park 2).
In contrast, an open-ended survey of 682 survey respondents overwhelmingly (more than 85%) endorsed brownfield sites, rather than the Government's proposed Park Lands site. These survey respondents have had their views ignored.
A petition seeking that outcome has now attracted more than 1,000 signatures, more than the number who responded to the Government’s flawed consultation.
In summary, the community is demanding that the Government “Restore and Protect” this Park, rather than “Restore and Attack” it.
The Government claims its plan would protect trees, and there would be “no net loss” of Park Lands from its project. That is, at best, misleading spin. Dozens of trees remain at risk.

Even if it were true, it would fall short of public demands to RESTORE and PROTECT.
The Government says the site chosen could have been worse. On other Park Lands sites, even more trees might have been axed. But the choice of site could have been, and should be so much better.
New infrastructure does not belong in your Open Green Public Adelaide Park Lands. We’ve written to the Premier suggesting that he listen to his own voters and switch attention to a brownfield site, such as the old West End Brewery site on Port Road at Thebarton.
What can you do?
Sign the petition:
Write to the Premier, Peter Malinauskas, Transport and Infrastructure Minister Tom Koutsantonis and/or the Member for Adelaide, Lucy Hood. Click on their names to open a draft suggested email.
Contact members of the City Council and urge them to recommend to the State Government a brownfield site for the Aquatic Centre, not a Park Lands site. Here are their addresses:
Suggested email (please amend as you see fit)Dear Councillor:
Congratulations for your decision on 13 December 2022, to support the Adelaide Park Lands.
I especially appreciate the Council’s expressed willingness to engage with the State Government on a long-term strategy to restore parts of the Park Lands to ‘Open, Green, Public.’
This Council resolution will be put to the test in 2023 if the State Government continues its agenda to construct an $82 million aquatic centre on a new site in Denise Norton Park / Pardipardinyilla (Park 2). The State Government so far has ignored overwhelming community demand to select a brownfield site instead.
When push comes to shove next year, I hope that you will stand firm on your commitment to the Park Lands, respect the wishes of the public, reject any new lease over any part of the Park Lands and advise the State Government instead to choose a brownfield site.
See related stories about the proposed new Aquatic Centre:
Government to chop falcon, possum, cockatoo habitat (27 Jan 2023)
Aquatic centre double press: Gov’t and Council (15 Jan 2023)
Aquatic centre: petition reaches 1,000 signatures (20 Dec 2022)
Cognitive dissonance on your tree canopy (4 Dec 2022)
Ideal brownfield opportunity (29 Nov 2022)
Diversions, illusions on Park attacks (12 Nov 2022)
Demand brownfield building sites instead (28 Oct 2022)
Patrick’s FOI probe on Aquatic Centre bungle (26 Sept 2022)
Hands Up for your Trees (12 Sept 2022)
New Aquatic Centre site targets dozens of mature trees (5 Sept 2022)
No assurances on tree destruction plans (15 Aug 2022)
When given a real choice (31 July 2022)
Aquatic centre consultation farce (22 July 2022)
Hindmarsh, Brompton, for an Aquatic Centre? (30 June 2022)
Olympic swimmer backs Park restoration (29 June 2022)
Imagine a restoration of this Park (20 June 2022)
State Gov’t tree threats making national headlines (16 June 2022)
Think Outside the Box for locations (26 May 2022)
Aquatic mistakes - learn from history and restore a Park (16 Feb 2022)