South Australia’s heritage, including your Adelaide Park Lands is under attack.
New planning rules have removed and undermined long-standing heritage protections. A massive 35 hectares of Open Green Public riverbank Park Lands were rezoned just last month for entertainment, medical, commercial and educational buildings.
Helen Mayo Park - just part of the your Riverbank Park Lands heritage that is destined for destruction after being re-zoned last month as an “Entertainment zone”
A 2018 recommendation from the State Heritage Council to have your Adelaide Park Lands recognised as a State Heritage Area, has been subjected to bureaucratic inertia ever since.
With the State Election looming, the National Trust of South Australia, in partnership with the Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre at UniSA, is convening an online public forum with a panel of State MPs to debate the opportunities and risks ahead for SA’s built and environmental heritage.
This is your chance to find out from current Members of Parliament how they will ensure that our unique heritage is protected for the future, for everyone to enjoy, and how they will ensure our community will once again be able to have its say in planning decisions.
A panel of five MPs from major parties as well as independents will answer a series of questions about their plans and policies for the future of South Australia’s heritage.
Panel members:
Dr Susan Close MP, Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Minister for the Environment
The Hon Frank Pangallo MLC, SA Best
The Hon Robert Simms MLC, SA Greens
Frances Bedford MP, Independent Member for Florey
Sam Duluk MP, Independent Member for Waite
Whether your concern is:
protecting your Adelaide Park Lands
ensuring that Martindale Hall and Ayers House are kept in trust for the public;
designing a planning system that is not dominated by the development industry at the expense of current and future residents; or
maintaining tree cover across Adelaide
this is your chance to ask MPs what they would do.
The panel discussion will be moderated by former Environmental Resources and Development Court judge, the Honourable Christine Trenorden, and will include questions from members of the community that can be submitted beforehand.
REGISTER HERE (pre-registration essential):
Further Info: or 08 8202 9200
Submit your questions for the panel to: