Loop Walk on a Loop

By Kate Treloar

The end of daylight saving now means two things for me: turn clocks back and walk a loop around Adelaide!

Last Sunday (April 3rd) the second ever Parklands Loop Collective was on, with the 74 registered participants encouraged to don some green and then walk, ride or run a lap of the CBD all through green space. A full loop is about 15km.

I hosted a group of walkers departing from Himeji Garden at 9am, stopping half way for Cafe Bonython refreshments, then taking a sneaky short cut beside the Old Adelaide Gaol on the way back to the starting point.

Those who started promptly at 9am! Many others joined in at later intervals.

The rest of the 'Loopers' picked their own start time and distance throughout the day.

The weather also joined the party with outdoor perfection of 22 degrees, blue skies and sunshine.

The youngest participant in the Park Loop walk, Ludo with Dad, James

Thankfully this was a vast improvement on the cold, drizzly start to the first ever PLC last October (at the start of daylight saving; you may be spotting a trend here!)

Read about the inaugural October 2021 event.

The plan is to continue these loop walks biannually, every April and October, coinciding with the end and start of daylight saving.

It's such an amazing asset to have Park Lands encircling Adelaide. It means a loop is highly accessible and versatile - anybody can participate at a level that suits them.

We'd love to see you out at a future loop event!

The map that guided us on the loop walk. The route starts and finishes at the Himeji Japanese Garden in Park 18. Tap or click on the map to expand and zoom in

The next Park Lands Loop Collective: will be on Sunday October 2nd 2022 i.e. at the start of daylight saving.
Email me on katerosetreloar@gmail.com to be added to the email reminder list.
Or follow the Facebook page: Park Lands Loop Walkers