Judges are evaluating more than a dozen entries for our ‘UnPaving Paradise’ poster design competition.
The poster design competition is intended to be a launching pad for what we hope will be a string of re-greening projects within your Open Green Public Park Lands.
This is the pilot project site, off Port Road in Bonython Park / Tulya Wardli (Park 27) next to the Thebarton tram stop.
Several teams of students from Adelaide High School are among the entries.

High School team entries (from left): ‘Team James’, Team ‘The Greens’; and ‘Pure Partistic’

Detail of entries (from left) from: Four P’s; Blooming Poetry; Eco Heart, and Ann Zhang
We will be announcing, shortly, the winners in each of four categories:
Primary school
Secondary School
University students and new graduates
Open category
We will announce the winners in our newsletter of 15 June 2022.
Read more about the UnPaving Paradise poster design competition and the project to restore this patch of bitumen in Bonython Park / Tulya Wardli (Park 27):
You can support this pilot project by attending the ‘UnPaving Paradise’ re-greening benefit show at Diverse-City in Grote Street, on the evening of Saturday 4 June 2022. Details here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/unpaving-paradise-re-greening-benefit-show-tickets-326132530177