The State Government is prepared to invest $82.4 million to build a new regional Aquatic Centre for Adelaide's central and inner-northern suburbs.
The Government is pretending to ask the community about locations for the new centre. However its sham "consultation" does not envisage any site other than on your Open Green Public Park Lands.
This is the State Government’s sham consultation. Which part of your Open Green Public Park Lands do you want to lose? Dozens of mature trees would be lost if any of these three sites is chosen for a new Aquatic Centre.
At any one of these three locations, dozens of mature trees would be cut down to build the proposed new Aquatic Centre. If the Government were to choose a brownfields site instead, then all of these trees could be saved.

These are just some of the hundreds of trees at risk (dozens at each of the three sites) .
We have written to:
to point out that there are multiple other sites around Adelaide that could be used. The State Government has powers to acquire any lands it needs, and so you can suggest where they should start looking.
Here’s the survey link:
With your help, a new Aquatic Centre site could be a win-win for swimmers and your Open Green Public Adelaide Park Lands.
Mr Koutsantonis has acknowledged that the proposed new Aquatic Centre is intended to be used not just by the residents of Adelaide and North Adelaide. As Mr Koutsantonis told The Advertiser ($$ subscriber-only link) “This will be a centre that is used by residents across many different communities in and around Adelaide’s CBD, and it is important that these communities have their say in its future.”
We've been urging examination of brownfields sites in the inner north - not far from the current Aquatic Centre location.
You can participate in the State Government's sham consultation:
The Government’s survey is open until 10 July. There is space at the bottom of the Government’s survey to include ‘any other comments’. [UPDATE: The Government’s survey is now CLOSED.]
But EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY, please take our alternative 1-minute survey here:
You can also write to:
to urge them to consider a non Park Lands site.
With your help, a new Aquatic Centre site could be a win-win for swimmers and your Open Green Public Adelaide Park Lands.
Our survey was running in parallel with the Government’s sham consultation. Although the State Government’s survey finished on 10 July, our survey will continue until at least the end of July 2022.
We'll report to the State Government on the results of this survey: