5-yearly Management Strategy review

by APA President, Shane Sody

Every five years the City Council reviews the over-arching "Management Strategy" for your Adelaide Park Lands. This review is required by law. The Management Strategy guides some (not all!) future decisions about your Park Lands.

The current plan is being reviewed and you are invited to have your say. To comment, you’ll need to be registered with the 'YourSay Adelaide' website. If you’re not already registered, you can that here: https://yoursay.cityofadelaide.com.au/register

Once you are registered, you can undertake a short City Council survey.

This survey closes at 5.00pm Friday, 2 September 2022.

Before that date, the City Council is inviting you to a Community Forum. On Saturday 20 August, between the hours of 10.00am and 3.00pm you can drop in to chat to Council staff at the Plane Tree Centre next to Adelaide Zoo.

Location of the ‘Plane Tree Centre’ where you can talk to City Council staff on Saturday 20 August about your views on management of your Adelaide Park Lands.

You don’t need to attend the Community Forum to answer the City Council’s survey questions.

Here’s a preview of the survey questions:

  1. What are the main activities that you undertake in the Adelaide Park Lands?  Select all that apply.

  2. Compared to five years ago, do you visit the Adelaide Park Lands: (more often, less often etc):

  3. Describe one SMALL change that would encourage you to visit the Adelaide Park Lands more often.

  4. Describe one MAJOR change that would encourage you to visit the Adelaide Park Lands more often.

  5. How do you think the Adelaide Park Lands need to change in order to adapt to climate change?

  6. Do you think smart technology* could improve the future of the Adelaide Park Lands? If so, how?

  7. Has the pandemic changed the way you use the Adelaide Park Lands? If so, how?

  8. Which is your favourite park within the Adelaide Park Lands? Why? 

  9. The vision of the 2015-25 Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy is: “The Adelaide Park Lands will be a globally recognised park system which surrounds and permeates our city and is central to our identity.” Describe your desired vision of what the Adelaide Park Lands will look like in 2037, the bicentenary of their proclamation.

  10. Is there anything else you would like to share with us about the future of the Adelaide Park Lands?

You can answer these questions any time before 2 September 2022 on "YourSay Adelaide".

Stuck for words? Have a look at the responses that I provided when I completed the City Council questions.

You might have very different views of course but some of my responses might be worth considering. Whether you agree with my comments or not, please take a few moments to make your own comments on "YourSay Adelaide".