Sophie's Choice of trees

Poster for the 1982 movie starring Meryl Streep

Sophie's Choice is a story (and movie) about a refugee who was forced to choose which one of her two children would be killed, in order to save the other.

Now, the State Government is asking for your “Sophie's Choice” - the trees to be killed to make way for a new Aquatic Centre.

Which lot of trees would you prefer to see killed, to save the rest of Denise Norton Park / Pardipardinyilla (Park 2)?

The State Government is preparing to abandon a pre-election commitment to protect Adelaide's significant trees. It’s proposing a wholesale slaughter of mature trees at one of these three sites. You are being asked to make a ‘Sophie’s Choice’ - to choose which ones should be saved, and which should be killed.

You can reject the Government's cruel false choices; and vote instead for a new Aquatic Centre at a brownfields site, to restore ALL of this Park.

A new Aquatic Centre can be built instead on a nearby brownfields site, so that all the trees in this Park can be saved. Hundreds of people have already voted, and the community preference so far is for a site in the inner north-western suburbs; Thebarton, Hindmarsh, Brompton or Bowden.

The State Government’s sham “Sophie’s Choice” survey ended on Sunday 10 July.

However our 1-minute survey will remain open until at least the end of July. We urgently need YOUR vote to help persuade the Government to save ALL of the trees in this Park.

You can vote FOR a new Aquatic Centre while at the same time rejecting the idea that a Sophie's Choice of trees is necessary.

To save dozens of trees, simply take our 1-minute survey, to suggest an alternative location for the proposed new Aquatic Centre:

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