Council candidates make their pitch

21 election candidates offered themselves up for public scrutiny last Wednesday evening, as the Adelaide Park Lands Association hosted a Candidates Forum at the North Adelaide Community Centre.

With the meeting live-streamed on APA’s Facebook page, the audience heard from three sitting Councillors and the Lord Mayor Sandy Verschoor, interspersed with 17 other hopefuls.

Our Candidates Forum did not give a platform to the candidates for North Ward nor South Ward because voters in these Wards had other opportunities, with resident and ratepayer forums earlier in September.

20-year-old Tammy Vo, the youngest candidate, taking her turn at the microphone. Pic: Valdis Dunis

Two of the sitting Councillors, associated with the so-called 'Team Adelaide' faction over the past four years, faced tough audience questioning about some of the positions they'd taken in regard to your Park Lands.

Questions were not restricted to Park Lands issues, with some debate over planned high-rise building development at 88 O'Connell Street, and in the CBD.

However most interest centred on what is looming as a likely close battle for the position of Lord Mayor. The three main contenders made their pitches near the end of the evening:

Rex Patrick: "Inspector Rex - I’m like a dog with a bone.” “World Heritage? I will do it."

Jane Lomax Smith: "I've got form as a Park Lands advocate over 30 years”. “This Council never stands up for the Park Lands, and it enrages me.”

Sandy Verschoor: "A quiet achiever who gets on with it, and gets things done." “This term of Council, there’s been no net loss.”

The first hour of the meeting featured 12 of the 14 candidates for the four positions as Central Ward councillor.

Here’s the video link for the first hour, featuring the Central Ward candidates:

Then, after a break, the second hour featured five of the nine candidates for the two positions as 'Area Councillor’ (ie representing all wards); and four of the five candidates for the position of Lord Mayor.

Here is the video link for the second half, featuring the Area candidates and the Lord Mayoral candidates:

What ward are you in?

If you are in a different Council area (ie not in the City of Adelaide) then you can check your own local Council candidate list at the Electoral Commission: