Meet photographer Lyndon Stacy — Adelaide Park Lands Association

Meet photographer Lyndon Stacy

by Carla Caruso

Lyndon Stacy divides his spare time between walking, painting, and taking stunning photos of your Adelaide Park Lands for our social media feeds.

Recently he’s turned his camera to some of the lesser-known parts of your Park Lands; from the wetland in G.S. Kingston Park / Wirrarninthi (Park 23) to the biodiversity carbon offset site in Reservoir Park / Kangatilla (Park 4).

This month, we put Lyndon in the hot-seat to learn more about what makes him tick.

Lyndon Stacy.

Hi, Lyndon. Why do you love capturing images of the Adelaide Park Lands? 

Capturing pics of our Park Lands is a new challenge for me.

With many thousands [of images] already taken, I find looking for new creative possibilities with an iPhone appealing.

How did you come to volunteer for APA?

I answered a post on WeekendNotes to help clean up Park 25 [Gladys Elphick Park / Narnungga] and was inspired by the ideals of the APA, so joined up.

What’s your favourite park in the Adelaide Park Lands, and why so?

My favourite park at the moment is Park 23 [G.S. Kingston Park / Wirrarninthi] and its wetland in particular.

What a surreal area it is, tucked away from view with busy West Terrace only 200 metres away.

What keeps you busy when you’re not meandering the parks?

I visit the Flinders Ranges regularly. I have made friends with people on a sheep station, out of Hawker, over many years camping in the area. Now I visit them and help out on the property.

I also walk every day - and paint a bit, trying to capture the Milky Way in a nightscape.

An image taken by Lyndon Stacy in Lefevre Park / Nantu Wama (Park 6), which is known for its horse paddocks.

What do you consider the most pressing issue for the Park Lands? 

It’s appalling the way the leaders of both major political parties seem to think the Park Lands are okay to build on, and what’s worse, it seems that they get away with it.

Another of Lyndon’s images in Reservoir Park / Kangatilla (Park 4).

The wetland in G.S. Kingston Park / Wirrarninthi (Park 23) has “many moods”, according to Lyndon.
