Adelaide Park Lands Association

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Be a Lungs Lifeguard - Sun 12 November

Swimming is great for your lungs. Mature established trees are also great for your lungs. But the State Government doesn’t want you to have both.

Premier Peter Malinauskas and Lucy Hood want to chop down dozens of trees in your Park Lands.

Help get something much better.

Come to your Park 2 on Sunday 12 November, at 1pm, to be a “lungs lifeguard”.

Almost 8,000 people have signed a petition to the Premier, to "Save These Trees - Choose a Brownfield Site for a new Aquatic Centre."

Thousands more people simply want the current Aquatic Centre to remain open while a new one is being constructed, as the Government once promised.

But the Government is still not listening. They're still stubbornly pushing ahead, releasing images of their proposed megalith two-storey Aquatic and Commercial Centre, still intending to break FOUR of their own promises, while still ignoring your clearly-expressed wishes.

State Government propaganda image of what will be behind a fence, for paying customers only, replacing your Open Green Public Park Lands in your Park 2.

Contrary to Government claims, their promised new two-storey megalith Aquatic and Commercial Centre would take up even more of your Park Lands than the current centre.

What Can You Do?

Now that formal planning approval has been granted, the Government’s fences, bulldozers, chainsaws and earthworks are expected to arrive in your Park 2 during November, unless YOU become a “lungs lifeguard”.

This might be your last chance to support a better option - a win-win for a new swimming centre on an alternative brownfield site, AND a restored three hectares of your Park Lands.

Come to Denise Norton Park / Pardipardinyilla (Park 2) (behind the Aquatic Centre) on Sunday 12 November, at 1pm.

Wear or carry swimming gear, or a life jacket or goggles.

Show the Government that you want the best for your lungs:

  • BOTH a new Aquatic Centre on a different, convenient near-city brownfield site; AND

  • A RESTORED Park, with a fresh three hectares of Open Green Public space to replace the current Aquatic Centre, but only after the new one is open.

Bring a hand-made sign, to show there's a better way - a win-win scenario with a new Aquatic Centre on a more convenient, brownfield site, closer to public transport. One obvious alternative option would be on the former West End brewery site at Thebarton. But the Government could purchase any alternative site it wants. See suggested alternatives here:

If you are on Facebook, share the “Facebook event” page.

Be a LUNGS LIFEGUARD for a new Aquatic Centre and a new (restored) three hectares of your Park Lands.

If you can’t be there, then please DONATE to help us spread the word.

Image: “Lungs of the City” by Karan Hudson

Read more

See our ongoing coverage of the proposed new Aquatic Centre: