Weasel words

by Shane Sody

It would be unrealistic to expect State Government MPs to own up, and admit that they do not love your Park Lands.

Therefore, as the State Government continues attacking your Park Lands (six attacks so far and counting, see below) we find it necessary to expose the Government’s dissembling; the language that some MPs are using to disguise the effect of their actions, or to divert your attention.

Two recent letters (from Infrastructure Minister Tom Koutsantonis and backbencher Michael Brown) are laden with what are, at best, half-truths. The letters also try to divert your attention from their Park Lands attacks, by:

  • making irrelevant claims about the past;

  • making claims about what they intend to do, to other nearby but unrelated parts of your Park Lands (what we call their “hostage sites”);

  • leaving out their failure to consult you or even acknowledge your views; and

  • leaving out any reference to alternative brownfield sites for their proposed infrastructure.

Infrastructure Minister Tom Koutsantonis

Letter from Infrastructure Minister Tom Koutsantonis in reply to our two letters to the Premier. Read our letters to the Premier here: https://www.adelaide-parklands.asn.au/s/Letters-to-Premier-AQUATIC-Centre-2023-03-08-and-2022-12-20.pdf

Michael Brown, MP Member for Florey

Letter from Michael Brown, MP to a constituent

It is obvious that if the State Government loved your Park Lands, it would not be burying your Open Green Public spaces under new constructions. Rather, if they loved your Park Lands, then State Government Ministers would be seeking win-win outcomes, by purchasing brownfield sites for new developments, while protecting and restoring your Park Lands.

The State Government is purchasing 524 properties to upgrade South Road. It has so far refused to purchase any properties to save your Park Lands from its announced infrastructure projects.

These actions speak louder than any weasel words.