by Doug McEvoy
You are invited to become a volunteer with “Green Pakapakanthi.”
The South East City Residents Association (SECRA) was formed in 2005 to save Victoria Park / Pakapakanthi (Park 16) from permanent structures for motor racing — to keep the park as Open, Green, Public space for individual and group recreation. SECRA also works with the City of Adelaide to protect and increase the Park’s biodiversity.
SECRA and the City of Adelaide - collaborating to green parts of Victoria Park / Pakapakanthi (Park 16)
These aims are shared by the Adelaide Park Lands Association, which has long campaigned to RESTORE degraded and alienated parts of your Park Lands.
SECRA is now leading a new initiative, “Green Pakapakanthi”, in collaboration with the City of Adelaide.
This community-led initiative is open to everyone. It aims to mitigate the effects of climate change in Pakapakanthi by planting trees and understory to create more shade and enhance the Park’s biodiversity. Please join with others to help “climate proof” Pakapakanthi for future generations.
Upcoming Events
Saturday 29 April 2023 10am-12 noon
Planting in Pakapakanthi (Victoria Park) at the Central Garden
SECRA invites you to join City of Adelaide horticulture staff, in planting trees and shrubs in the Park’s central garden. Numbers for planting is limited to twenty (children welcome) but everyone can come to the bring-your-own picnic following the planting. A coffee cart, marquee and chairs will be onsite near the central toilets.
To participate, contact Heather Nimmo
Friday 28 July and Sunday 30 July
Planting for shade around Pakapakanthi paths and sportsfields
On July 28th (School Tree Day) and July 30th (National Tree Day) one hundred trees will be planted, for shade, around sun-exposed paths and sports fields in the southwest corner of the Park.
Shade needed for paths.
To participate, contact Doug McEvoy
Early August 2023
Planting of understory plants to attract small birds and increase biodiversity
In early August “Green Pakapakanthi” is planning to plant understory plants in the new Pakapakanthi wetland using the dense, multispecies Miyawaki method….
….and also in Carriageway Park / Tuthangga (Park 17) across Beaumont Road from Pakapakanthi.
To participate, contact Doug McEvoy