Full of pride

by Carla Caruso

Adelaide city councillor – and former APA committee member – Keiran Snape has been recognised as a Pride Month Champion of SA.

Every June, Pride Month celebrates the diversity of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex community. During June, the SA Rainbow Advocacy Alliance (SARAA) has been honouring 30 local champions; one for each day of the month.

SARAA noted some of the successes Keiran has had during his time on the Council, particularly in the LGBTIQA+ advocacy space, including:

The upgraded Rainbow Walk on Light Square / Wauwi. Photo: Experience Adelaide.

Keiran said it was “an incredible honour” to have recognition for his work on the Council, over the past two years.

“When I found out I’d been nominated as a Pride Month Champion by the wonderful folks at SARAA, I was genuinely speechless – a rare thing.

“Pride Month is important; yes, for those of us who are already ‘out and proud’. But it’s even more important in my mind to be visible for those who might be struggling with their gender or sexual identity.

“Younger LGBTIQA+ people are many times more likely to suffer from isolation, depression and suicidal thoughts.

“Being visible, showing that LGBTIQA+ people can have fulfilling lives, families, careers etc, that is so incredibly important.”

Main photo: Keiran is pictured with Councillor David Elliott, who assisted with the motion asking Lord Mayor Jane Lomax-Smith to write to the Premier to progress a ban on gay conversion therapy.