Herding bats

Herding bats

Staff at your Adelaide Botanic Garden have been carefully directing wayward bats across Plane Tree Drive, back into the adjacent Botanic Park.

Some of the grey-headed flying foxes in your Park 11 seem to have been disoriented by a recent music festival and motor sport events in your Park Lands.

Chatting to the winners

Chatting to the winners

What does it take to create a first-prize-winning piece of art, for the Adelaide Park Lands Art Prize?

First-prize winner, Goolwa artist John Foubister explains how he turned two sticks and two stones into a $20,000 prize. He’s chatted to both APA’s Carla Caruso, and the ABC’s Peter Goers about his award-winning oil painting.

Rally to Save Mirnu Wirra

Rally to Save Mirnu Wirra

A public rally has been called for Saturday 1 April in a bid to save a rare trove of restored native bushland, from being bulldozed for a “semi-industrial complex” in your Park Lands.

Hundreds of native species, lovingly restored over the past 15 years are set to be wiped out by a compound almost twice the size of the Adelaide Oval stadium, unless the Government changes course.

But you can intervene.

Going batty

Going batty

Tens of thousands of flying foxes were outnumbered earlier this month by people attending WOMADelaide, but the bats are still a huge crowd in Botanic Park. Fortunately there is a team of about 40 volunteers who look after, rescue or foster sick, injured or orphaned flying foxes and microbats around Adelaide.

Backing away from Bonython Park threats

Backing away from Bonython Park threats

The State Government has backed away from its own warning, last month, that most of Bonython Park / Tulya Wardli would be subjected to construction activity over the next eight years.

The project team, planning to build a $3 billion hospital on Park 27 is playing down earlier Government advice that 19 hectares of your Park Lands would be subject to “large-scale excavation works” for the next eight years.

What's happening in Mary Lee Park?

What's happening in Mary Lee Park?

A two-million dollar State Government grant is likely to lead to a new two-storey sports building being erected on Mary Lee Park (Park 27B) off Park Terrace near Bowden.

There’s been no official announcement but there seems little doubt that the expansion will go ahead, subject to the West Adelaide Soccer Club getting approval for a new building design.

Loopers are back

Loopers are back

You can sleep in for an hour, on the first day after daylight saving ends, and still be in time to join the Park Loop collective: walk, run or cycle around Adelaide on the Park Lands Trail.

An additional hour’s sleep will help you feel energised for a stroll, starting at 9am around the world’s only City in a park; a jaunt of about 15 km with your fellow loopers!