Purple pain?

Purple pain?

Do jacaranda trees suck?

According to Adelaide pollination ecologist and educator Bianca Amato, they do. She believes the well-loved trees, though pretty, are “ecological dead zones”.

Meanwhile, plane trees have also come under attack interstate, with Sydney’s city council phasing out their use across its streets and parks. Environmentalist Tim Flannery has labelled the species “about as much use to our wildlife as concrete posts”. Could the same happen here?

BioBlitz: easy citizen science adventure

BioBlitz: easy citizen science adventure

Join thousands of citizen scientists around the southern hemisphere, using your smart-phone to observe and record biodiversity. Snap whatever life you can see or hear, in one of the rare precious bushland areas of your Adelaide Park Lands.

Join us with your smartphone on Saturday morning, 25 November, 10am to 12 noon, in Parks 3, 4 and 5. We’ll help you record biodiversity as part of the Great Southern BioBlitz.