The Park Lands Vote: it's a real thing

Candidates in future elections be advised - many of us who Love Your Park Lands will vote on that basis - enough of us to tip the result of a close election.

In previous decades it was rare for APA to take a firm position on candidates for election.

However, in the past two supplementary elections for City Council vacancies, APA has surveyed all candidates for their views on your Open Green Public Park Lands.

In 2020, in a Central Ward vacancy, our recommendation was a first preference vote for Greg Mackie who was elected.

In 2021, in an Area Councillor vacancy, our recommendation was a first preference vote for Keiran Snape, who was also elected.


We are two from two. Clearly, residents in the City and North Adelaide share our Park Lands Love.

It’s surprising that this message has not yet permeated through to the State Government which is still targeting vast areas of your Park Lands for destruction under mountains of concrete.

When will they learn? Before the State election in March 2022?


Read more about Keiran Snape’s election victory here:

At the time of nominating for election, Keiran was a member of the APA managing Committee but following his election stepped down from that role to avoid any perceptions of conflict of interest in his new role as an Area Councillor. We thank Keiran for his recent service to APA.