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The London-based National Park City Foundation has been urged not to fall for State Government hypocrisy in seeking "Park City" status for Adelaide, while the Government continues to attack the Open Green Public Adelaide Park Lands.
The SA Government has started the process of seeking endorsement of Adelaide as the world's second National Park City.
However, APA has advised the National Park City Foundation that the Adelaide bid cannot be taken seriously, because the State Government keeps on attacking Park Lands.
Trust us! This is how we manage Park Lands!
A letter to the Foundation from APA President Shane Sody lists eight recent examples of State-sponsored Park Lands attacks.
The list exposes the hypocrisy of the South Australia Government claiming recognition for its attitude towards Parks. These attacks, itemised in the letter, include:
the commercial takeover of the former public Festival Plaza, in Park 26;
a proposed new 15,000 seat stadium in Helen Mayo Park, Park 27;
a new Womens and Children's Hospital off Port Road in Park 27;
a new multi-storey car park in Kate Cocks Park, Park 27; and
Mr Sody has urged the National Park City Foundation to respond to the SA bid by urging the South Australian Government to "stop the continual plunder of Park Lands... and put in place enduring legal protection for this irreplaceable green asset."
“APA is not opposed to recognition of Adelaide by the National Park City Foundation” Mr Sody said. “However actual Park protection is more important than any title. It would be futile to have international recognition of an asset that the State Government is determined to continually damage.
“It is not too late for the State Government to wake up to its mistakes and pursue its major development agendas on commercial land rather than on the land that South Australians love: their Open Green Public Adelaide Park Lands.”
See the letter at this link:
The City Council is also raising concerns about the State Government’s recent inititatives. See