by Shane Sody
Two trees in your Adelaide Park Lands have been designated as among the 24 most famous large trees in South Australia.
Facebook group "20 metre trees" is looking for your vote to select SA's "tree of the year".
Recent research by the Conservation Council has confirmed that South Australia has the worst tree protection laws in Australia.
Since their introduction, South Australia’s significant and regulated tree laws have been consistently watered down. With so many exemptions now in place, there are often no checks and balances to prevent the unnecessary removal of large trees.
The new Labor State Government has promised to review these laws to afford greater protection for SA's significant trees and upgrade our tree protection scheme to "best practice."
In the meantime the "20 metre trees" group is campaigning to raise awareness and educate on the importance and value that significant and regulated trees bring to the areas in which we live and work.
Here are the two trees from your Adelaide Park Lands that have made the short list.
A "Holm Oak" in Rymill Park / Murlawirrapurka (Park 14) near the corner of Bartels Rd and East Tce. Photo: Anne Wharton
A different view of the same tree with a nest box attached. Pic: Shane Sody
And this Moreton Bay fig tree in Botanic Park (Park 11) - one of the favourite spots during the Womadelaide festival.
Photo: Jenni McGlennon
A different view of the same Moreton Bay fig tree. Pic: Shane Sody
Will you vote for one of these two Park Lands trees? Or one of the other 22 trees across South Australia on the short list?
See all 24 finalists, and vote here:
Votes close at 7am on Saturday 2 April, with the winning tree announced later that day.