by Shane Sody
The Adelaide Park Lands Association will be going through a leadership renewal process in 2025.
Two long-standing members of our managing Committee will be stepping down in April.
If you Love Your Park Lands and want to help us secure their future, then 2025 is the time to step up.
Shane Sody, APA President 2017-25
I have been a Member of APA’s Committee since 2013, and filled the role of President since April 2017. It’s time for some fresh eyes on this key role. The Adelaide Park Lands Association has adopted a Strategic Plan for 2025-26 which envisages new blood at the top, supported by key Committee (Board) members, each with responsibility for different streams of our activities; i.e. Explore, Inspire, Protect, Restore (and other roles, e.g. in Communication and Fundraising).
The first steps within our Strategic Plan included recruiting a team of Park Guardians, each of whom will be actively involved during 2025, to assist a new leader to stay in touch with all parts of your Adelaide Park Lands.
I hope that APA’s new leader can build upon our rapidly growing base of supporters and members, and encourage even more people to Love Your Park Lands.
A groundswell of community awareness and support - i.e. more and more people “exploring” and being “inspired” - is the foundation of real long-term effectiveness in achieving APA’s Objectives to “protect” and “restore” your Open, Green, Public Adelaide Park Lands.
Sandra Lindemann, APA Secretary 2020-25
Dr Sandra Lindemann joined APA in 2016 and became secretary in 2020.
“In my role as Secretary, I have especially enjoyed taking the minutes of the Committee meetings because it enables me to have a good overview of all that is going on within the organisation. I have also enjoyed giving PowerPoint presentations to U3A and other community organisations and will continue to do that.”
Both Sandra and myself intend to assist our respective successors to take over the reins, mentoring the new office-bearers as much as needed during a process of transition in 2025.
Other Board / Committee members
The Constitution of the Adelaide Park Lands Association provides that all positions on the managing Committee are to be renewed at the Annual General Meeting (due on 27 April 2025).
Not all of the current Committee members will necessarily be seeking re-election at that time.
If you are interested in finding out what’s involved, please ask for a copy of our 2025-26 Strategic Plan, and/or have a chat with either Sandra or myself.
A New Year’s resolution for you? There is no time like the present!
Other opportunities
There are many other ways that you can help your Adelaide Park Lands in 2025. Check out the range of other volunteer opportunities here:
Top image: Shutterstock