State Heritage: 12-year delay coming to a head

State Heritage: 12-year delay coming to a head

It's been more than 12 years since your Adelaide Park Lands were nominated for State Heritage listing.

During that time, attacks on Open Green Public Park Lands have continued relentlessly, while progress on Heritage listing has stalled.

Now that 12-year delay is about to come to a head in State Parliament, with a draft law to formally recognise your Adelaide Park Lands as a State Heritage Area.

SOS for mature trees

SOS for mature trees

Adelaide's losing mature trees at an alarming rate. As many as 75,000 trees are disappearing each year across the metropolitan area. Premier Steven Marshall has threatened hundreds more of them to build a proposed stadium in Helen Mayo Park. A campaign launch by the National Trust next Wednesday, December 1, will showcase how people power can help reverse this trend.

Labor, Liberals, combine to torpedo Park Lands protection Bill

Labor, Liberals, combine to torpedo Park Lands protection Bill

The Labor and Liberal parties have combined in the Upper House of State Parliament to torpedo a law that would have given protection to your Open Green Public Adelaide Park Lands.

Treasurer Rob Lucas described the draft legislation as “evilness” while Labor’s deputy leader Claire Scriven wanted to avoid future parliamentary debates about proposed Park Lands attacks.