Riding with Keith

Riding with Keith

What began as a fun spin on the bike eight years ago has become a weekly tradition for Keith Conlon.

The former media personality is behind Ride with Keith – a friendly Wednesday group ride, traversing the Adelaide Park Lands and beyond. Keith chatted to us about his favourite city routes, doing “official blessings” with water bottles of new parts, and more.

Saving Parks - a health measure

Saving Parks - a health measure

Premier Peter Malinauskas has been urged to consider saving Adelaide’s Park Lands as part of the Government’s overall health strategy.

After the Premier’s reassurance that “all options are on the table” we’ve pleaded to save this Park 27 location for the health of future generations, by choosing a different site for a new Women’s and Children’s hospital.

Citizen science - share and learn

Citizen science - share and learn

One of the reasons to love your Park Lands is the diversity of environments and plants and animals across all of your 32 Parks and six Squares.

If you’ve ever wanted to know more about the flora and fauna in your Park Lands, or share your own knowledge with others, there’s now a smartphone app to help you identify species; and/or share your observations.

No assurances on tree destruction plans

No assurances on tree destruction plans

The State Government has offered no assurances about protecting your Park Lands trees when deciding where to build a new Adelaide Aquatic Centre.

An overwhelming number of 682 survey respondents have urged the Government not to chop down dozens of trees but instead, pursue a win-win by choosing a brownfield site in an inner-city suburb for its promised new $82 million Aquatic Centre.

When given a choice

When given a choice

What happens when Adelaide people are given a real choice about where they would like to see a new Aquatic Centre?

674 responses to APA's community survey have delivered a strong message to the State Government: urging a win-win for both swimmers and your Park Lands, with a new Aquatic Centre in an inner suburb and restoration of the existing site.